I am honored to have served as a Mecklenburg County District Court Judge for over fourteen years. During my time on the bench, I have primarily served in Family Court. I have always strived to be fair, just, and impartial, and to preside in a manner that everyone receives the same respect from the court. Since taking the bench, I have served as a lead judge, first as the Lead Child Support Judge, and since 2014 as the Lead Family Court Judge. In addition to presiding over cases in the courtroom, I have worked hard to improve the overall service to the citizens of Mecklenburg County by working on countless committees and projects behind the scenes to improve the court experience for litigants, and the efficiency of the courts. I have served as the Judicial Liaison to the North Carolina Bar Association’s Family Law Council, and currently serve on the Education Committee for the North Carolina Association of District Court Judges, helping plan continuing education programs for judges across the state and helping train judges in the area of Family Law.
Before becoming a judge, I spent eighteen years in private practice in Charlotte, practicing law in every area of district court. In addition to my legal experience, I have the years of life experience, including managing a law practice and raising children, that provide me with a sound common sense approach to decision making and problem solving. I have lived in the south Charlotte area for over thirty years, where my husband and I have been active members of our church and community. With your support, I hope to continue to serve our community and state as a District Court Judge for years to come.
When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, it required extra efforts to envision new ways of accomplishing the work of the courts in a safe and productive manner. I am proud of how Family Court in Mecklenburg County adjusted quickly to the new demands and was able to successfully continue operations in a productive manner during those unprecedented times.
I have worked behind the scenes for the last couple of years with groups planning for the day eCourts would come to Mecklenburg County. The work in this area has given me a deeper insight into the intricate details of the important roles of our clerks and support staff. The experience has made me better at evaluating the best practices for handling heavy workloads in the most efficient manner so efforts can be focused on helping the people that have their case before us in court.
Your support and contributions will enable us to keep Judge Jena Culler on the bench.
Ladd Ackerman
Chris Adkins
Derek Adler
Tom Ainsworth
Robert Allen
Leigh Altman
Charles Anderson
Natalie Andruczyk
Erika Angles
Matt Arnold
Mary Ashley
Stephen Ashley
Dave Badger
Joseph Baker
Hannah Bell
Carolyn Bellof
Sarah Bennett
Seth Bernanke
Sabrina Blain
Rob Blair
Bob Bollinger
Ashley Bonomini
Banks Bostian
John Boutwell
Brien Bowlin
Dustin Branham
Adam Breeding
Russ Brinson
Rhonda Brooks
Chad Buckingham
Jon Burns
Laura Burt
Tom Bush
Norman Butler
John Cacheris
Christine Camacho
Amanda Cannavo
Courtney Carter
Christine Carver
Cameron Caudle
Suzanne Cavanaugh
Chris Chagaris
Michael Chandler
Cindy Christ
Katie Clary
Ralph Clontz
Harold Cogdell
Chris Connelly
Woody Connette
Stephen Corby
David Cordes
Anastasia Cowan
Brian Cromwell
Amanda Cubit
Heather Culp
Nick Cushing
Michael D'Agata
John Daniel
Liz Dantism
Steven DeCillis
Tiyesha DeCosta
Robert DeCurtins
Paul DeJesse
Tricia Derr
Kavita Desai
Fred DeVore
Will DeVore
Deb Dilman
Jennifer Dixon
Jo Dobbins
Landon Dunn
Lindsey Easterling
Alan Edmonds
Martha Efird
Bill Elam
Will Elam
Catherine El-Khouri
Belal Elrahal
David Erdman
Fred Ervin
Mike Eve
Kerry Everett
Ron Everhart
James Exum
Jonathan Feit
Walter Fisher
Mathew Flatow
John Fletcher
Missy Foard
Patrick Fogarty
Ashley Foley
Mark Foster
Faith Fox
Kyle Frost
Trevor Fuller
Keith Gamble
Jeff Garis
Kaylan Gaudio
Katie Gilbert
Seth Glazer
Christian Glista
Tim Gore
Ruth Gorman
Tom Gorman
Kim Gossage
Tim Graham
Michael Greene
Scott Gsell
Dorian Gunter
Marc Gustafson
Ed Ham
Bill Hamel
Hanna Hamilton
Rachel Hamrick
Bob Hanner
Tara Harrawood
Grant Harris
Bill Hart
Tia Hartley
H.R. Harwell
Greg Hatcher
Ben Hefferon
Penny Hefner
David Herring
Kimberly Herron
Jessica Hester
Caitlin Hickman
Fred Hicks
Robyn Hicks-Guinn
Sally Higgins
Ed Hinson
Penny Hirsch
David Hitchens
Beth Hodges
Brett Holladay
Allison Holstein
Beth Hondros
Brad Honnold
Jim Horne
Doughton Horton
Lindsey Houk
Amy Howard
Wayne Huckel
Pamela Hunter
Linda Hurlbert
Brad Icard
Ruth Jaimes
Libby James
Carnell Johnson
Heather Johnson
Lisa Marie Johnson
Richard Johnson
Matthew Joseph
Elizabeth Kelligrew
Mitchell Kelling
Sarah Kemble
David Kern
Irene King
Richard Koch
Michael Kolb
Len Kornberg
Russ Kornegay
Kate Kovats
Richard Kronk
Lynn Krueger-Andes
Alan Krusch
David Krusch
Natalie Kutcher
Rick Lail
Chris Lam
Phil Lambeth
Dara Larson
John Lassiter
Tony Lathrop
Stefan Latorre
Bree Laughrun
George Laughrun
Trey Laughrun
Rebecca Lawrence
Andy Lax
Benjamin Leach
Lauren Leader
Anna LeBlanc
Kyle LeBlanc
Joe Ledford
Lindy Leger
Eric Levine
Miles Levine
Daniel Lewis
Lauren Lewis
Harrison Lord
Angelina Maletto
Meg Maloney
Matt Marcellino
Nadia Margherio
Jim Mason
Katie McAbee
Pete McArdle
Brandon McCarthy
David McCleary
Will Medlin
Jerry Meek
Christine Melvin
Eric Meredith
Spencer Merriweather
Chris Miller
George Miller
Katie Miller
Les Miller
Amanda Mingo
Caroline Mitchell
Lynna Moen
Charles Monnett
Jennifer Moore
Gena Morris
Bethany Mulhern
Lee Myers
Matt Myers
Elaine Nicholson
Nancy Norelli
Steve Ockerman
Martha Odom
Chris Osborn
Ray Owens
Todd Owens
Ken Pack
Jeff Parsons
Sheila Passenant
Hap Pearce
Greg Plumides
Robert Potter
Bill Powers
Alaina Prevatte
Toni Primiano
Kate Rech
Katlyn Reh
Andrew Rheingrover
Morgan Rich
Alice Richey
Mark Riopel
Heidi Risser
Selin Roberts
Lee Robertson
Shel Robinson
Michael Romano
John Ross
Stephanie Ross
Caitlin Ryan
Barbara Rynne
Ann Sanders
Chase Saunders
Julia Scheer
Adam Seifer
David Self
Leigh Sellers
Larry Shaheen
Claire Shapack
Kristen Shearin
David Sherman
Terry Sherrill
Amy Simpson
Bill Sitton
Russ Sizemore
Amanda Smith
Brad Smith
Courtney Smith
Jack Smith
Sean Smith
Tim D. Smith
Tim M. Smith
Tonya Smith
Nicole Sodoma
Ketan Soni
Hal Spears
Troy Stafford
Julia Stage
Ryan Stage
Krista Stallard
Nick Stark
Rich Stephens
Tate Sterrett
Todd Stewart
Christa Sumwalt
Mark Sumwalt
Sarah Sykes
Susan Thomas
Haakon Thorsen
David Thurman
Eli Timberg
Noell Tin
Mike Todd
Anne Tompkins
John Totten
Bob Trobich
Bill Trosch
Eric Trosch
Shane Truett
John Paul Tsahakis
Larry Tucker
Kevin Tully
Patti Tutone
Bridget Vanevenhoven
Chris Vann
Lisa Venturelli
Theresa Viera
Richard Vinroot
Christine Volponi
Alexa Voss
Nancy Walker
Thomas Walker
Neya Warren
Kary Watson
Becky Watts
Danielle Webb
Buddy Wester
Carrie Weyandt
Haley White
Megan White
Paul Whitfield
Cory Williams
Jeff Williams-Tracy
Mallory Willink
Chad Winebarger
Rick Winiker
Hunt Wofford
Rebecca Wofford
Fred Wood
Susan Yanagi
Kathryn Yates
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